Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kamala's taxing policy

 For a long time, Kamala Harris didn’t comment much on specific policies for her potential presidential administration. There’s a certain benefit to being a blank-slate candidate. People can project whatever beliefs and platforms they want onto you. I think that both Barack Obama and Donald Trump gained from being blank slates in their first presidential campaigns.

The problem is that when a candidate starts talking, they start ticking people off. As the blank canvas gets colored in, it is more difficult to see what you want to see. Of course, it isn’t impossible. People can stubbornly deny reality and remain in their bubbles.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


That was the case with Kamala Harris this week. The Democratic nominee tipped her hand on a potential $5 trillion tax increase. Per the New York Times, the plan didn’t originate with Harris but was part of a package proposed by the Biden Administration last spring. Among the headline facets of the proposal were a tax on unrealized capital gains and an increase in the corporate tax rate.

Tax increases are never popular, especially in an election year, but it’s important to note here that despite claims to the contrary, the tax increases would not target anyone who earns less than $400,000. This keeps Biden’s 2020 campaign promise.

Per the Times, the plan would:

  • Raise the top corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent

  • Eliminate the ability of corporations to deduct the pay of employees who earn more than $1 million

  • Increases the top marginal income tax rate for individuals from 37 to 39.9 percent. The IRS website notes that this top rate is currently paid on incomes greater than $609,350 for single individuals or $731,200 for married couples filing jointly.

  • Increase two parallel Medicare surtaxes to five percent from 3.8 percent for Americans earning more than $400,000

  • Tax investment earnings as regular income instead of at a lower dividend rate for Americans earning more than $1 million

  • Tax some capital gains before assets are sold or before the owner dies for those with over $100 million and who don’t pay at least 25 percent on a combination of their income and their unrealized capital gains

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I dislike taxes as much as the next guy, but there are two important takeaways here. First, these tax increases are targeted at the wealthy and corporations. There is a wealth of polling, including this Morning Consult poll from March, that indicates that taxing the wealthy is a popular bipartisan position. The new populists in the GOP might be surprised to learn that 69 percent of swing state voters, including 58 percent of Republicans, favored raising taxes on billionaires with similar numbers supporting higher taxes for those who earn more than $400,000. Ironically, even billionaires support tax increases on billionaires.

That may be why so many Republicans are omitting the income qualifiers on Kamala’s tax proposal. If Republican and independent voters found out that the tax hike is not on them but the wealthy, a surprising number would probably be okay with it, and my experience on the internet in recent days indicates that a lot of middle-class Americans think the tax hike would hit them.

The second important point is that the tax plan will be DOA. It will never happen.

The Biden-Harris tax plan has to go through Congress. We don’t know what the makeup of the new Congress will be, but we do know that neither party will have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Even if Democrats maintain control of the Senate, they won’t have anywhere near the 60 votes required to overcome the certain filibuster.

But what if the Democrats nuke the filibuster? Well, they’ve had four years of very close votes to change that rule and they have yet to do so. In fact, the last major political figure to advocate killing the filibuster was… wait for it… Donald Trump.

Hopefully, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer - if he is still Majority Leader in the next Congress - will remember the unholy consequences unleashed when Harry Reid killed the filibuster for judicial nominees in 2013. McConnell detonated his own nuclear option by removing the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees later and the result was Democrats’ inability to block Donald Trump’s nominees as well as a more polarized and radical judiciary.

There is still the possibility of a budget reconciliation bill, the legislative vehicle used several times in recent years, including by Republicans in 2017 to pass tax cuts as part of tax reform. Budget reconciliations require only a simple majority and cannot be filibustered, but they are limited by law to addressing provisions that deal with spending, revenues, and the debt limit.

The Democrats could theoretically try to enact the tax hike as part of a budget reconciliation but the strategy has not been successful with their three-vote majority current Congress. With such a slim margin, only two votes can be lost before the bill fails.

And the Democratic majority is likely to grow smaller. As Cook Political Report points out, Democrats are defending 23 Senate seats to 11 for the Republicans. One of those seats, the West Virginia seat of Joe Manchin, is almost certain to be lost. Another three Democratic seats in Michigan, Montana, and Ohio are rated as tossups while all Republican seats look safe at this point. The fact that Democrats may not have a Senate majority much longer is also a good argument against Democrats killing the filibuster.

So the tax increases almost certainly won’t happen and they won’t affect you if they do become law. But let’s take a moment to talk about the national debt.

The national debt is currently in excess of $35 trillion and growing rapidly. If we are serious about getting the debt under control, we need to consider tax increases and rule out any more tax cuts. We should also consider spending cuts, but since each side only wants to cut the other’s priorities, any spending cuts must be across the board.

I like to point out that when Republicans had the chance to cut spending under Trump, they revved it up. Some Trump spending was due to the pandemic, but even prior to the national emergency, Trump’s spending was out of control. In the final analysis, Trump will have both outspent and out-borrowed Joe Biden by trillions.

I also like to point out that the only time in decades that we have had our fiscal house in anything resembling order was under the much-maligned John Boehner. When Boehner led the House, Republicans achieved the first real spending cuts in consecutive years since 1953. Remember that fact when MAGA activists ask you what conservatism ever conserved because the MAGA Republican caucus had the opportunity to enact similar cuts in both the Trump and Biden Administrations and failed both times.

My point here is that if you believe that the national debt is a crisis, tax cuts should be off the table and tax increases should be on it. A second point is that Republicans are much more likely to rein in spending when there is a Democratic president than a Republican one. The temptation is vote largesse for their constituents is simply too tempting when they have a majority and control of Congress and the presidency.

A final point involves Donald Trump. It is extremely unlikely that Kamala Harris’s tax plan would become law, but Donald Trump has his own tax plan. Trump has advocated a national import tax of 10 percent (at times he has said 20 percent) across the board as well as a 60-percent tariff on Chinese goods. (Full disclosure, the same Morning Consult poll that I cited above also found that Trump’s tariff was popular, although not as popular as taxing the wealthy.)

The Tax Policy Center analyzed the proposal and found that Trump’s tax increase, which could be implemented by executive action under existing law, would result in decreases in income for all income groups as the economy slowed. There is a double-whammy here because Americans would be paying more in taxes as their incomes decreased. Trump’s tax would cost middle-class households about $1,350 annually.

It’s worth noting that Trump’s tariffs in his first term sparked trade wars and retaliation by our trading partners. TrumpTrade sparked a manufacturing recession and cost the US thousands of manufacturing jobs. It also killed export markets for farmers and led to billions in bailouts for Trump’s rural voters.


I’ve long joked that if you want Republicans to support a tax increase, just call it a tariff. Many Republicans don’t seem to understand that a tariff is a tax and the remainder don’t seem to understand that they, not Chinese corporations, are paying the tax.

In summary, Kamala’s tax plan is bad but it won’t happen and it won’t affect you if it does. Trump’s tariff plan is also bad and would be a near-certainty early in his Administration. Unlike the Harris tax on the wealthy, Trump’s tariff would affect Americans who buy things. That includes almost anything because even most American goods have foreign materials and components.

While I don’t like either candidate’s tax policy, one option is clearly worse for most Americans and more likely to take effect. Given a choice between two bad policies, I’ll take the one that probably won’t happen. And in this case, that matches up with the candidate who is not an insurrectionist.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Swing state shift

 As I’ve pointed out in the past, your vote for president doesn’t really matter unless you live in a swing state. The Electoral College system means that if your state is reliably blue or red, your vote is simply added to the winner’s margin in your state. It won’t help your candidate win elsewhere.

Also called “battleground states, the swing states “swing” from one party to the other and provide a tipping point in the election as they grant one of the candidates 270 electoral votes and a majority of the Electoral College. The swing states are where it’s at and if you are interested in the outcome of the election, they are what you should be paying attention to rather than the national “horserace” polls.

Swing states shift over time. Just a few years ago, Colorado, Florida, and Ohio were swing states. These days, Colorado is reliably blue while Florida and Ohio go red.

Having said that, the swing states from 2020 are still the swing states in 2024. Those states are typically considered to be Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These are the states where the presidential election will be decided. These are the states that are left blank on the 270towin electoral maps.

Let’s take a closer look.

Arizona is a mess. The state was very close in 2020 and was embroiled in claims of election fraud by both Donald Trump and gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. The Arizona Police Association just endorsed the Democratic senatorial candidate over Kari Lake, who, like Trump, is back again for another try. Biden won Arizona in 2020 and was the first Democrat to do so in a presidential election since 1996.

In terms of polling, Arizona has tightened considerably in the Real Clear Polling average since Biden’s withdrawal in July. Biden trailed by about six points, and Trump continues to hold a margin-of-error half-point lead in the average. It’s too close to call.

My home state of Georgia is a new swing state. Before 2020, the last Democrat to win the Peach State was Bill Clinton in 1992. Joe Biden benefitted from Stacey Abrams’ grassroots get-out-the-vote effort as well as Donald Trump’s ineffectual campaigning. In recent weeks, Trump has hurt his campaign in Georgia by picking fights with the state’s popular governor, Brian Kemp.

Currently, the RCP average shows Trump with a one-point lead, down from four when Biden withdrew. A caveat is that only one poll has been conducted in August. That NY Times/Siena poll showed Trump ahead by four points, but three other polls showed a tied race and one had Kamala Harris up by one point. It’s another tossup.

Michigan was blue from 1988 until 2016 and went back to the Democrats in 2020. Another state where Donald Trump contested election results, the current polling average shows Kamala Harris ahead by two points.

Nevada is a perennially close state, but one that has consistently gone Democrat for the past four presidential elections. This year, Trump currently holds his largest battleground lead here at 1.4 points above Harris in the polling average. Nevada may be a state where Trump’s plan for eliminating taxes on tips can make the difference thanks to the large service sector.

North Carolina is a state that I don’t really consider a swing state because it isn’t very swingy these days. It’s always close but the only time it has gone Democrat in recent years was for Barack Obama in 2008. Beyond that, you have to go all the way back to Jimmy Carter in 1976. North Carolina is tantalizingly close for Democrats but always just out of grasp.

Currently, the polling average has Trump ahead by less than a point after holding a commanding lead over Joe Biden. Harris led in the two most recent polls, but Trump still benefits in the average from his larger lead in older polls.

In Pennsylvania, Harris has also closed the gap from a five-point deficit under Biden to a very narrow Trump lead in the average today. Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016, the first Republican to do so since the first George Bush in 1988. Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro was reportedly a contender to be Harris’s running mate, which could have helped Harris over the top.

Currently, Pennsylvania’s polling average shows a 0.2 percent lead for Donald Trump. This is about as close as it can get. It’s a statistical tie and almost a literal tie.

Wisconsin is the final current swing state and has also been reliably blue except for 2016. Wisconsin was the state with the highest polling error in 2016 when it was forecast to go comfortably for Hillary Clinton. Those problems were not completely resolved in 2020 when Biden won the state by less than a point, considerably less than the almost seven points in the RCP averageFiveThirtyEight, the other big polling aggregator, showed Biden with an even greater lead.

In 2024, RCP shows another close race with Harris leading by one point. This is still a tossup, and if Wisconsin polling is as flawed as previous years, the state could easily go for Trump.

It’s still a long time until Election Day and a lot can change. It’s also true that polls are not predictive. They are historical snapshots. Polls are most useful for identifying trends, and the current trend is that Kamala Harris has closed the gap with Trump everywhere but by varying degrees.

Let’s plug these results into the electoral map to see how the election might turn out if it were held today while understanding that the situation will almost certainly be different by November.

Using the results from the RCP averages, Trump would win Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Pennsylvania while Harris would win Michigan and Wisconsin. In this scenario, Trump would win the Electoral College by 287-251 and be returned to the White House.

But consider that many states are within one point and trending towards Harris. If we reset the map and allot these within-a-point states to Harris, the outcome is worse for Trump. Harris wins Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Trump would still win Georgia and Nevada. In this worse-case (but still not worst) scenario, Harris would win the Electoral College 297-241.

This exercise illustrates how close and how fluid the race currently is. A small change of less than a percentage point can result in a large swing in the Electoral College result. The most likely current outcome is probably somewhere between the scenarios.

And that’s not accounting for the possibility of new battlegrounds. For instance, Florida has become reliably red, but polling there has narrowed from a 10-point Trump lead to three points. This is within the margin of error, but it may be an outlier. If future polling shows similar close results, the Sunshine State may move back into the tossup column. At the very least, Trump will be likely to have to divert resources from other states to shore up Florida support.

The challenge for Trump is to stem the rising tide of Harris partisanship. This will require discipline that Trump has heretofore not shown on the campaign trail. The prospect of losing yet again may focus Mr. Trump’s mind and enhance his ability to follow the advice of his campaign staff, but in the past, The Former Guy has not been able to play it straight and serious for more than a week or two at a time. He can’t not be weird.

It will also require money to turn the race around. Biden had a cash advantage over Trump until The Debate From Hell. Since she entered the race, Harris has regained an advantage over Trump in both cash on hand and new donations. This financial advantage will make it more difficult for the Trump campaign to press its case against Harris should Trump ever decide to stop being distracted from the issues by the emotional need to make personal attacks.

It’s a tossup race, but Kamala Harris has the initiative and the edge. Watch this space for updates.

And remember, just because your vote for president doesn’t matter, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t vote. Turn out for those down-ballot races and pull the lever for the most conservative candidate who will hold Trump accountable.

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ON AN ANECDOTAL NOTE I’ve noticed a lot more open support for Harris this year than I did for Biden in 2020 in my red county. This includes some signs, which haven’t been available for long, as well as outspokenness from people in community social media groups online. I’d be the first to caution that this sort of anecdote shouldn’t replace polling data and other objective measures, but there is definitely a different vibe than there was just a few months ago. And there is an old joke that the plural of “anecdote” is “data.”

I can speculate that
Take that information and do with it what you will.

RFKJR BYE-KU: Those who have followed for a while may remember that I have picked up James Taranto’s tradition of penning a haiku in memorial of candidates who drop out of the race. We recently lost RFKJR, who is now, along with Tulsi Gabbard, joining the Trump presidential transition team.

Noble family

Brain worms and park bears, oh my!

Needs many vaccines

From the racket news